Artist Talk: Barbara Takenaga
Brattleboro Museum & Art Center
Aug. 7, 2019, 07:30 pm
Artist Barbara Takenaga discusses her immersive installation, Looking at Blue, on view at BMAC from June 22 through September 23.
Takenaga describes her work as both abstract and narrative. The artist begins with faux abstract-expressionist backgrounds of poured and dripped paint, then uses a labor-intensive approach of applying dots, tracings, outlining, and painting around splashes. The central feature of Looking at Blue consists of four large swaths of digitally printed wallpaper with hand-painted additions.
BMAC Chief Curator Mara Williams calls Looking at Blue “a full-body experience,” adding, “We are enveloped by a sacred or cosmic, or simply mysterious, space—a space of awe and wonder, where the enormity of a universe with no edges or boundaries can be not just imagined but felt.” Williams will moderate the evening talk, which will be followed by a Q&A.