Meet The Artist “Enrique Samson”
Atlanta Photography Group
Jul. 6, 2019, 02:00 pm
Join Atlanta Photography Group (APG) to meet photographic artist, Enrique Samson, and learn about his project, The Navel of the Moon, an ongoing exploration of the cultural complexity of Mexico.
Website: exhibition, meet the artist
About the Atlanta Photography Group:
Established in 1987, Atlanta Photography Group (APG) is a non-profit arts organization dedicated to developing and sustaining an inclusive and vibrant photography community. Through its exhibitions and programming, members and audiences alike benefit from the exceptionally high level of support and opportunities that APG provides.
APG is generously funded by the LUBO Fund, the City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, and the Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly. GCA also receives support from its partner agency, the National Endowment for the Arts.
APG Gallery is free and open to the public: Tuesday – Saturday 12 – 4pm
75 Bennett St NW, B1 Atlanta GA 30309.