Beatrice Scaccia: “Is There an Outside?”

Ricco/Maresca Gallery

Oct. 18, 2018, 04:00 pm

529 West 20th Street. 3FL

Beatrice Scaccia grew up in Castelmassimo-Veroli, a small town in central Italy. The artist’s process begins with letting go of rational thought; only images, never concepts, are to be trusted. Solid appearances then become malleable shapes, emerging in monochrome dimensions where color seeps back in cautiously and eloquently. This exhibition presents examples from four distinct series that embody Scaccia’s visual poetics as it navigates between large- and small-scale mixed media works, animation, and immersive installation. It also highlights the artist’s penchant for crafting silent narratives through variations on a theme, as well as her connection to theater and intertextuality.

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