Holiday Show – Myths, Fairytales and Fantasies

Spectrum Art Gallery

Entry Deadline: Nov. 3

61 Main Street
Centerbrook, CT 06409
PHONE 860.767.0742

Spectrum Art Gallery is calling for artists for the Holiday Show which runs from Nov.16 to January 13, 2019.Every culture has its stories to illustrate the annual life cycle and hand down the culture’s values, and they are especially prevalent during the holiday season. This 8 week show would like to give the best gift of all to our clients…..imaginative stories visually illustrated in all mediums…..mixed media, illustration, book art, painting, photography and sculpture. Since Spectrum Gallery shows the works of many artisans in our gallery craft store, we are excited to start and to continue relationships with artisans working in all mediums. Also and most important, our featured six foot holiday tree needs endless hand crafted ornaments.

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