Still Life
Kathryn Markel Fine Arts
Oct. 25, 2025 - Dec. 1, 2018
The minimalist lines in Daniel Brice’s paintings weave elegantly and awkwardly in and out of the geometric spaces that he’s created by subtracting paint more than adding it. Vaguely white surfaces have been burnished with Brillo pads, sandpaper, whatever comes to hand, and are rich with incidence and history. Organic, soft lines start and disappear. They wander between old walls, around an ancient architectural space as the solidity of the line disappears into dreamy pentimenti. Brices’ paintings are subtle and intricate and are the result of a painstaking attention to detail. Although the paintings seem monochromatic, he uses color sparingly. Often a small band of rich color anchors a floating world. . Where the dark lines converge, as they sometimes do, they become blurred or they end abruptly as they hit the wall of a rectangular plane or the outer edge of the work itself. In any case, the lines need the viewer to complete them or connect them, to see beyond what is there to what is not there.