Wild waves in our hands

Catinca Tabacaru gallery

Jun. 1, 2024 - Jun. 30, 2018

250 Broome Street
New York, 10002
PHONE 603.957.1354


…a work disregarding conceptual vanity to honestly express the vicissitudes of our mysterious and pointless lives. – Dorothée Dupuis

Catinca Tabacaru Gallery is pleased to present Wild waves in our hands, a solo exhibition by Maltese-French artist Karine Rougier, on view June 1 – June 30, 2018.

Rougier is fascinated by hands; human hands, but not always so. These carry emotion; they are the first place for contact, and for drawing. A hand is an independent character: acting, holding, embracing bodies. Sharing wild feelings. Feeling the heartbeat. Miniature paintings and expressionist grigris abound in minute details make up this first solo show with the Gallery, which pushes us deep into emotional sensuality and mystical experience.

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