2019 Call for Artists

Dalton Gallery

Entry Deadline: Apr. 6

Center for the Arts, 121 East Main Street
Rock Hill, SC 29730
PH 803-328-2787


ROCK HILL, SC – The Arts Council of York County is now accepting applications for 2019 gallery exhibitions in the Dalton Gallery at the Center for the Arts, 121 E. Main St., Rock Hill, SC 29730. The Arts Council is a non-profit organization committed to creating and supporting a thriving arts community in York County, South Carolina. The Dalton Gallery, a professional gallery appropriated for the exhibition of experienced artists and community projects, is located at the Center for the Arts. The Dalton Gallery is an 1,800-square-foot space, illuminated by adjustable track lighting.

Each year the Arts Council presents six to eight exhibits. Artists wishing to be considered for one of the Arts Council’s 2019 gallery exhibitions, please submit the following to Mike Gentry, Gallery Manager, by 5 PM on Friday, April 6, 2018:

Written proposal for exhibition and/or artist statement
Artist resume 10 hi-res images, submitted on CD or DVD (Mac or PC formatted discs, please) Inventory lists with titles, sizes, and mediums
$20 application fee

Artists may submit work as a group or individually. The Arts Council’s Gallery Committee will consider all submissions and notification of acceptance will be provided via e-mail. Submission packets will not be returned. Only complete proposals that adhere to the Arts Council’s submission guidelines will be considered. Works that sell while on exhibit at the Center for the Arts are subject to a 40% commission fee by the Arts Council of York County.

Mail To:
Arts Council of York County
ATTN: Mike Gentry, Gallery Manager
PO Box 2797
Rock Hill, SC 29732

Deliver To:
Center for the Arts
Mike Gentry, Gallery Manager
121 E. Main St.
Rock Hill, SC 29730

Email To: [email protected]

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