Call for Entries: Authentic Marks 2nd Annual International Miniature Printmaking Exhibition, 2018

Shaghaf Group

Oct. 1, 2025 - Feb. 22, 2018

Tel: 00971-56-8933300

All practicing printmakers worldwide are invited to participate in Authentic Marks, an international open call for miniature prints. By participating in this printmaking exhibition, you are given the opportunity to show your work during Dubai Art Week, an annual event that brings art professionals together from around the world. Last year’s exhibition featured original printmaking works from 18 countries, live printing demonstrations, and a VIP opening reception. We plan to continue building on this success with even more offerings this year, including awards of excellence for selected works.

This international exhibition of fine art printmaking will be open for all local, national and international artists. Both professional and early career artists are encouraged to submit their original, hand-pulled artworks for this open themed art exhibition. The goal of this exhibition is to showcase each artist’s originality through their work. With the freedom to choose style, theme, technique and concept, artists all over the globe will continue to leave their “print” in the creative world.

All works will be exhibited and included in the exhibition catalog, which will be sent electronically to every participating artist. Printed catalogs will be available for the cost of shipping.

All printmaking techniques are accepted.
Each artist can submit 2 prints maximum with the $30 entry fee.
Works should measure 11 x 11 inches in paper size.
The call for entries will be announced by

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