Lecture by Sharon Louden
Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts
Jan. 1, 1970, 12:00 am
The Artist as Culture Producer
Sharon Louden will visit Lyme Academy College on her 94-stop conversation tour discussing issues surrounding “The Artist as Culture Producer.” Louden’s lecture will not only present her work and what it means to be a contemporary artist today, but she will also present different models she has found through the artists in her book, which is the second in a series of “Living and Sustaining a Creative Life,” books published by Intellect Books and distributed by the University of Chicago Press. She will also touch upon these common topics discussed on her tour:
•How artists extend their practices outside of their studios
•The roles artists play as change agents in the creative economy
•Models of sustaining creative lives in the public realm
•Redefining who a contemporary artist is today
•Exploring what success means to different artists
Participation is welcomed in a Q & A discussion following Louden’s lecture.
To learn more about Sharon Louden visit: http://www.livesustain.org/sharon-louden/, http://www.livesustain.org/artist-as-culture-producer/
Reception at 5. Lecture at 6. $15
Limited Seating. Reservations Required.