FREE Paraguayan Harp and Folk Music Event at Pelham Art Center!

Pelham Art Center

Jul. 29, 2017, 01:30 am

155 5th Ave
Phone 914-738-2525

Free and Open to the Public
Saturday, July 29, 2017, 1:30-3:30pm

The Paraguayan Harp is the national instrument of Paraguay. From 1:30-2:15pm, South American harpist, Nicolas Carter, will weave his outstanding harp music with storytelling in a musical journey through the various cultures of Latin America. Following the workshop from 2:30-3:30pm, we continue our theme of the “stringed arts” in a hands-on basic weaving workshop. Participants will learn the basics of weaving on a cardboard loom and can take home their handmade creations! Free and open to the public.

About Nicolas Carter
Nicolas Carter learned to play the harp in Paraguay, a country with a distinguished tradition of harp music. He became a professional musician while living in Minnesota, where he has performed as a solo artist, with Latin American, world music and classical ensembles. He has performed all over United States, Europe, South America and Israel. He travels often as a concert performer and master teacher at various harp festivals. Nicolas holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in theatre directing from the University of Minnesota and was a Fulbright scholar in France and Uruguay. He currently resides with his wife Maria Elvira in White Plains, NY.

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