Games, Puzzles, and Books

Jansen Art Center

Jun. 1, 2025 - Sep. 1, 2017

321 Front Street
Lynden, 98264
Phone (360) 354-3600

The Jansen Art Center welcomes back the Whatcom Art Guild (WAG) as part of the summer exhibits for the third year. Juried into the exhibit are 85 pieces of art from 27 members of the WAG. Many of the included artists sell their artwork at the Whatcom Art Market in Fairhaven, WA.

This year, the WAG selected “Games, Puzzles, and Books” as their theme for the call to artists, and further tested participants to create their art in a squared format. its members with a theme and a challenge to create new work for this show. The exhibit includes a variety of mediums including oil, acrylic and watercolor painting, colored pencil, photography, woodworking, jewelry, quilting, glass work and mixed media. This is a joyful and intriguing exhibit that you will want to share with the whole family. It includes modern and nostalgic subject matter that will certainly be conversation starters across generations.

Artists included in the exhibit are: Peggy Alexander (jewelry), Karen Angell (mixed media), Susan Averre (graphite), Judy Bishop (photo collage), Richard Bulman (mixed media), Linda Calkins (oil and acrylic), Beverly Davis (acrylic and colored pencil), Todd Davis (acrylic), Lorraine Day (photography), Georgia Donovan (3D mixed media), Mila Faulkner (acrylic), Christine Flacco (colored pencil), Vicki Grabicki (collage), Faye Hayes (acrylic), Lori Hill (oil), Phyllis Howard (acrylic), June Kiefer (watercolor), Thao Le (oil), Rebecca MacMillan-Watne (quilted tapestry), Cristal McQueen (photography), Joyce Norfolk (colored pencil and graphite), Pauline Petterssen (acrylic and oil), Pam Pontious (photography), Kay Dee Powell (acrylic), Caroline Schauer (oil), Elvy Schmoker (3D glass) and James Weaver (photography).Jansen Art Center

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