Stranger than Fiction (works about unusual but true facts)

BG Gallery

Entry Deadline: May. 17

2525 Michigan Ave #g8a
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Phone (310) 906-4211

If chosen you will be asked to create (if you don’t have one already) a new work for which the subject is a fact of strange nonfiction. Unbelievable but true stories , unusual but real creatures, strange nature, world wonders ect.

Submit examples of currently available artworks for exhibit consideration.

Exhibit will take place early 2018 .

-Best 30 artists will be exhibited

-Artists must cover their own costs of delivery to and from the gallery. 2525 Michigan Ave #g8a, Santa Monica CA 90404

-If included in the exhibit standard gallery 50/50 splits for art sales will apply
Gallery email [email protected]

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