NOW Artist Residency

NOW open studio

Entry Deadline: Apr. 16

1022 se linn st
Portland, OR 97202

Deadline for Application: April 16, 2017
Notification of Selection: May 15-20, 2017
Residency commences: On or around Sep. 1, 2017

Artists are invited to submit complete applications for the NOW ARTIST RESIDENCY program. Applications will be reviewed on a competitive basis. One artists will be selected as the recipient for 2017 year.

Residency consists of the following:

-Individuals stay as guests (no lodging cost) in the NOW Open Studio private garden room for a two week residency.
-Artist receives a self guided two week session in Creative Stimulation to redirect their creative thought patterns.
-Individuals are given peace and privacy to work on their creative health.

NOW Artist Residency is open for application by serious emerging or established artist, including recent BFA/MFA graduates. International (non-U.S. resident) artists will be responsible for securing their own travel authorization, Visa documents, etc. NOW cannot secure authorization, but will provide basic documentation explaining the nature of the residency. The ideal candidate for the residency program may be working in any media or genera.

The resident artist(s) will be selected by a committee comprised of the NOW Team, and regional academic/professional advisors from the art community.

Primary criteria for selection will include:

Quality, consistency, and vision of work submitted.
Motivation and potential for achievement of goals during program.
The degree to which the individual will benefit from the program.

Goals for the NOW Artist Residency include:

Provide an ideal space for creative inspiration.
Greatly increase the likelihood of future success for the artist.
Offer the opportunity to develop networking opportunites for the artist.
Create a supportive environment
Place the artist in a vital arts community in Portland, OR with a location ideal for meeting and learning from other artists and arts organizations in the city.

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