Solo Shows by Paula Blumenfeld & Ruth Obernbreit-Glass

Mamaroneck Artists Guild

Feb. 28, 2024 - Mar. 18, 2017

126 Larchmont Avenue
Larchmont, 10538
(914) 834-1117

GO FIGURE by Paula Blumenfeld
ABOVE, BELOW AND IN-BETWEEN by Ruth Obernbreit-Glass
Mamaroneck Artists Guild Presents a Two-Person Show of Paintings

Mamaroneck Artists Guild brightens up winter with a two person show by artists Paula Blumenfeld and Ruth Obernbreit-Glass. Their show opens Tuesday, February 28, 2017, and continues through Saturday, March 18, 2017.

Paula Blumenfeld, a nationally-known artist, is fascinated by color and the human body. Whether abstract or figurative her paintings begin with the figure. The abstract paintings enable her to focus on composition and color, whereas the figurative paintings focus on the specific visual elements and the inner strength and beauty of the subject.

Ruth Obernbreit-Glass, an oil painter, finds that her inspiration emerges from one of three experiences: looking down from an aircraft, being in the subway, or stopping short when she sees a vista that moves her. The forms essential in landscape, for both city and country, allow her to dive deep into her subject matter.

Meet both artists at an opening reception Saturday, March 4, 2017 from 3-5 pm. Saturday, March 18 from 3-5 pm Ruth Obernbreit-Glass will host a closing reception.

The Gallery is located at 126 Larchmont Avenue, Larchmont, NY. Hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 12 noon to 5 p.m. Admission to the Gallery is free.

Established in 1953 by seven local artists, the Mamaroneck Artists Guild, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is the oldest artist cooperative maintaining its own gallery in Westchester County.

This exhibition is made possible, in part, by ArtsWestchester with support from Westchester County Government.

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