CALL FOR ART: Back to the Garden


Entry Deadline: Mar. 17

1017 Wappoo Road
Charleston, SC 29407
(843) 566-3383

Perhaps Crosby Stills and Nash had more psychedelic intentions but when Joni Mitchell sings these lines from Woodstock, I hear the imagery in her voice.

There is a longing I believe to return to the land and the abundance of mother nature’s capital. Leave behind the smog, the rat race, fast food, and Big Pharma. Slow down. Play outside. Heal the body and mind with new ancient methods. Above all: protect our planet.

This show will illuminate artists’ ideals on nature and reverence for what we have. Artists will share views on ecology, sustainability, and global warming.

On the day of the reception, there will be an education forum fair with vendors and demonstration about bee keeping, solar energy, rain barrel collection, gardening, herbs, and maybe even alpaca farming.

*All mediums accepted. All work must be original and not previously exhibited. All work must be for sale.

Interested artists should provide 3-5 representative examples of their work, an artist statement, and a $35 non-refundable fee. Accepted artists will be part of a group show. They will display up to 5 pieces. The work will be on display and for sale during the month of April. Artists not accepted for this show will be notified with a brief commentary as to why their work was not chosen. All entries will be saved for future consideration.

DATES: Deadline for submission is 3/17. Artists will be notified by 3/20. Work will be delivered on or before 3/24 and picked up by 5/3. There will be an Opening Reception with refreshments on April 8th from 5-8pm. The art will be showcased from April 1st to April 30th.

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