Illumination 2018

Cameron Art Museum

Entry Deadline: Oct. 7

3201 S. 17th St
Wilmington, NC 28412
(910) 395-5999

CAMERON ART MUSEUM invites Proposals for Original Lantern Designs for
Illumination 2018
Artist-Made Lantern Juried Exhibition

$2500 in CASH PRIZE AWARDS – New this Year!!


PROPOSAL ENTRY DEADLINE: Sun., Oct. 7 at midnight
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE: Via email Tue., Oct. 9 midnight
LED lights will be shipped at time of notification, as well as details for completed lantern shipment.
OPENING RECEPTION: Fri., December 7, 2018 6:00 – 9:00 PM at Cameron Art Museum
PUBLIC EXHIBITION: Sat., December 8, 2018 – Sun., January 13, 2019 at Cameron Art Museum

Illumination continues the tradition, exhibiting original lanterns by artists from coast to coast. Cameron Art Museum recognizes the crucial role of artists and art in creating an exceptional quality of life for a community.
CAM believes that art, like a lantern, illuminates the mystery, empathy and wonder of human existence.
Artists are invited to submit proposals of original designs for this one-of-a-kind exhibition.

APPLICATION GUIDELINES: All proposal submissions and payment of entry fees are conducted via CAM website at Prior to submission, please direct questions to [email protected].

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists residing in the United States, age 18 or older.
ENTRY FEE: $15 (non-refundable) per entry, unlimited entries per artist.
Accepted Artists to Exhibition receive from CAM:
– Required LED light source: G4 1.8 watt 360 degree illumination (comparable to 10-15 watt incandescent bulb) used with ceramic socket lamp holder. One bulb per lantern design.
– One ticket to Opening Reception and one Museum Admission valid during Art of Illumination Exhibition.
SUBMISSION PROPOSAL: Completed lanterns are not required for proposal submission. Artists are strongly encouraged to explore contemporary and traditional materials, techniques and aesthetics. Through CAM website, submit proposal description text, then upload proposal images saved as a PDF or JPG (not more than 2MB) renamed to lastname_firstname_lantern (FOR EXAMPLE: Smith_John_lantern). Images: For each work, please send two (2) to five (5) different views of lantern maquettes, illustrated plans or detailed drawings, representing varying perspectives, detail images of lantern and/or details of lantern installation. Proposal Description: Include as much information as possible, such as the lantern’s color, texture, and other formal elements and conceptual basis for lantern design. Mediums proposed for use need to be clearly defined. All work proposed must be the artist’s original concept and design. Optional: Artist’s statement, summary of studio practice and preferred mediums, biographical statement, CV.
INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: Lighting: All lighting used in lanterns will be LED and will be provided by the museum. No live flames or incandescent lighting or additional lighting will be accepted. Dimensions: All lanterns must be either hanging or freestanding and fit into 3 feet wide x 3 feet deep x 6 feet high. No minimum size requirement. Installation: Hanging lanterns must be ready to hang with single provided LED lighting installed. Weight is not to exceed 5 pounds for hanging lanterns. Standing lanterns must be freestanding and ready to install. No pedestals will be provided by CAM. Lanterns may be kinetic, but not motorized, and require no maintenance by museum staff. One bulb per design.

Medium and Material Limitations:
– No floral and plant materials. No hollow reed basketry, bamboo, driftwood, bird/insect nests, logs, large branches (dried or newly cut).
– No food items (including but not limited to: fruits, vegetables and spices).
– No dried or preserved plants (flowers or herbs), or bark. No logs, found wood, dried branches, driftwood, tumbleweed, pieces of bark or bales of hay. Permitted woods are milled or manufactured woods as purchased at a hobby or lumber store.
– No feathers, fur, or skins.
– Handwoven, handspun textiles, fabrics or fibers (including raw cotton) may be allowed upon explanation of treatment of material (see FAQ). Manufactured textiles and fabrics are allowed.

EXHIBITION AND PUBLICITY: All selected works will be installed and displayed in a gallery space at CAM through January 13, 2019. Images of selected works will be featured on the Cameron Art Museum website. Illumination 2018 juried exhibition will be publicized in regional press releases, social networking sites and via CAM’s email list.
AWARDS: 1st Place: $1500 2nd Place: $750 3rd Place: $250 Top three award winners receive the aforementioned prize money and two floating lanterns in their honor. Floating Lantern Ceremony will be held at CAM on Sunday, December 9, 2018.
SALES: Work is not required to be for sale. If work is for sale, artist receives 100% of sale price.
INSURANCE: All works are insured while on museum premises. Artist required to insure work in transit.
SHIPMENT: Artist will bear costs of incoming and outgoing shipment and must provide packaging sufficient for 2-way travel if not sold. CAM will carefully package lantern for return but cannot be responsible for damages caused in shipping.
QUESTIONS: For more information, visit or email [email protected] with “artist lanterns” in the subject line.
3201 S. 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28412 910.395.5999


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