Politics & Power Exhibition
Ann Street Gallery
Entry Deadline: Sep. 17
This exhibition will focus on bringing together various perspectives on representations of Politics & Power in visual culture, while examining issues of political or social change and their effect on our current societal struggles. Topics can include but not limited to: campaign finances, GMO labeling, voter fraud,fracking, climate change, student loans, gerrymandering, NSA domestic surveillance, political leaders, activism, equal pay, corporate income tax, welfare, offshore banking, war on ISIS, racism, abortion, government mandates, drones, death penalty, gender workplace diversity, border security, gun control, equal rights, racial injustice, corruption, feminism, labor rights, and the any other present controversies surrounding the upcoming presidential election.
Media accepted: All media
Cost: to enter/maximum number of images – Free
Images may be submitted via (select all that apply)
– email
– Cd/Dvd/dropbox
Additional information
Artist should email the following to [email protected]– five jpeg images of work , a cv/resume, artist statement and website link.
Questions? Or for more information contact: [email protected]. (845) 784-1146