What Happens In Between

Shade Gallery at the monOrchid

Sep. 2, 2025 - Sep. 20, 2016

214 E. Roosevelt Street
Phoenix, 85004
(602) 253-0339


Shade Gallery is excited to welcome Kris Manzanares “What Happens In Between” to the MonOrchid!  Manzanares makes her monOrchid debut showcasing her latest body of work What Happens in Between highlighting both paintings and sculpture. This exhibition emphasizes, “what happens in the wild moments glinting between the familiar framework of our daily routine,” which the artist goes on to say “it’s the moments where fantasies rise unbidden from the depths, where ideas and solutions can suddenly appear, belched forth from some lively hidden inner working”.

Read the full press release here: http://bit.ly/2bhWCfa



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