Bareback: Symmetry in Motion / an Equine Exhibition

Studio C Gallery

Entry Deadline: Aug. 15

2349 So. Santa Fe Ave. Studio C
Los Angeles, CA 90058
(323) 363-2188

Bareback: Symmetry in Motion / an Equine Exhibition
2016 All Women Artist Group Exhibition

Studio C Gallery is looking for women artists, whose work is inspired by the horse.
Horses fill our dreams. They are our inspiration. A horse’s spirit is akin to women, so naturally, women are akin likewise.
Humankind owes an enormous amount of gratitude to the horse. Domestication of the horse provided humans with mobility, survival and pleasure. Yet today, horses are facing a daunting challenge. Yearly round ups by the Bureau of Land Management, kill buyers, horse racing breakdowns, and drought that forces some owners to abandon their animals, have left horse’s lives in peril. This dilemma is not going away. It is a problem that needs to be addressed through action.
Studio C Gallery’s intention with this exhibition is to bring inspiration through art and education through awareness. It is our way of showing gratitude to this exceptional animal.

Studio C Gallery will be partnering with Wild Horse Sanctuary and Return to Freedom
A portion of the proceeds from sales will go to these two non-profit organizations.

please visit our website & download the prospectus at

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