Real American

Gallery at the Ann Arbor Art Center

Entry Deadline: Jun. 12

117 West Liberty
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 994-8004

What is “Real American”? We seek to explore then generational, ethnographic, cultural, and anthropological ideals of what the wordAmerican means. From fresh apple pie to Budweiser, the Star Spangled Banner to Party in the USA, what is the modern Americanexperience? Are we entering the sci-fi World of Tomorrow, longing for the Norman Rockwell past, or painting ourselves into an Idiocracy? If our culture is our biggest export, what kind of image are we presenting to the world? This exhibition seeks artworks that span the spectrum from whimsical to austere, nostalgic to provocative. Artworks may consist of images from popular and visual culture, contain everyday objects assembled in unexpected ways, or incorporate stars and stripes.
Artists are invited to submit up to three images as jpeg files per entry. Artworks should have been created within the past three years and not previously shown in any Ann Arbor Art Center exhibitions.

The jurying process is anonymous, however artists must submit a CV and bio as separate documents. Acceptable formats for documents are .doc and .pdf and must be labeled using the following format: Lastname_firstname_CV and Lastname_firstname_Bio

Please Note: This is a juried exhibition and all entries must be submitted digitally for consideration. Submission does not guarantee artwork acceptance. Submission fees are non-refundable. Accepted artworks must arrive “ready to hang” – the Art Center reserves the right to decline artworks that do not meet gallery standards or do not represent artist submission. Artists are expected to provide components necessary for special/nontraditional installations. For shipped artworks, artists are responsible for shipping costs and insurance, if applicable, and encouraged to use plexi glass over traditional glass to ensure safety of artwork in transit.

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