Drawing From the Right Side of the Brain
Jan. 27, 2016, 12:00 am
A fabulous new art course is coming to Fabulon!
Date: Jan 27th -March 2nd (Wednesdays)
Time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Cost: $250
Instructor: Kathleen Johnson
Six sessions of two hours each will teach you how to see the way an artist sees by moving your attention to the right side of the brain. We will learn the logic of light, how to shade values of shading, using negative space, and “tricks” artists use such as “sighting” to help with perspective, and proportion. We will practice these on variety of subject matter. Supplies will be provided at the first class (sketchbook, 4B pencil, kneaded eraser, hand held pencil sharpener).
This class is for beginners or experienced students who want to sharpen their skills. The information is remarkable and fun as we trick the left brain to step aside and let the artist within step forward.
Instructor info: Kathleen Johnson is an artist who has explore various media and has taught art for 30 years. This is her favorite class to teach because of the amazing results. You can call her for more information: 843-718-2745
Register online at http://www.fabulonart.com/