5th Edition | Online Vernissage


Aug. 10, 2025 - Nov. 10, 2015

online: http://spotteart.com/site/edition?edition_id=6
New York City, 10007
646 657 0167


New York City – August 10th, 2015 – Spotteart.com, an online platform exhibiting contemporary works of art & design, started its Fifth Edition. The site displays collections by 7 international artists. The edition is curated by Spotte’s founder Nelba Delmedico, Modern and Contemporary art expert. It is viewable online from August 5th through October 2015.

Current volume includes a notable list of both emerging and prominent artists from Argentina, Germany, England & USA.

Natalia Cacchiarelli (Argentina) shows series of concrete watercolors “Geometric Abstraction”. Elizabeth Earley (UK) exhibits abstract oil and gauche paintings from her travels to Far & Middle East. Barbara Segal (US) offers marble/silver sculptures & 3D printed models created using modern robotic techniques. Michael W. Fuchs (Germany) presents “Urban Haikus”, photo series of choreographed cityscapes. Dolores Zorreguieta (Argentina/US) displays “Bondage” series of mixed media leather sculptures. Michelle Benoit (US) reveals lucite machine-cut #sculptureaspainting translucent wall pieces. Felix Stumpf (Germany) showcases series “Force the City” and “Pflastersteine Kreuzberg” (Rocks of Kreuzberg) – pastel & acrylic drawings on paper and stones.

Since launching the site in April 2014, Spotteart.com has evolved into one of the leading independent internet-based art galleries, offering more than 315 original works of art & design by 35 contemporary artists in a wide range of mediums, from photography to sculpture. The gallery exhibits artwork online in quarterly volumes (editions). Participating artists select or create a series of 8-10 pieces available exclusively at Spotte. These collections are accompanied with biographies and statements by the artists, as well as updated with weekly blog features dedicated to artists’ backgrounds and aesthetics.

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