NYOC Gallery (New York Open Center)

Oct. 9, 2025 - Dec. 4, 2015

22 East 30th St.
New York, 10016
212-219-2527 x153


P.C. Turczyn
October 9 – December 4, 2015

OPENING RECEPTION: Friday October 9, 2015 | 6:00-8:00 pm

Free and open to the Public.

The NYOC Gallery is pleased to announce OUT OF THE ETHERS, a solo exhibition featuring selected works by P.C. Turczyn.

The universe is comprised of light and sound vibrations structured in geometric patterns. The harmony and balance of this inherent order was studied and revered by our ancient mathematicians, philosophers and mystics who recognized that our world is governed by an unseen force – a Sacred Geometry. P.C. Turczyn’s body of work is based on the philosophies of sacred geometry as expressed in nature, sound and intention. Her paintings emerge from meditations, prayer and synchronicity, in which each piece is imbued with vibratory codes.

OUT OF THE ETHERS opens with selected work from the Reification and Nada Brahma series, ending with the Infinite Qualities series where the full utilization of the mathematical constructs, from the previous series, are implemented in her swirling, bold, floral mandalas. www.OpenCenter.org/Gallery

NYOC Gallery Hours: Mon – Fri | 11am – 6pm
Postcard Horiz. Front, Golden Section

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