Reception for The Artists of Gallery One at Mystic Arts Center
The Artists of Gallery One
Oct. 1, 2015, 05:30 pm
Gallery One, a cooperative of mid-career artists working in a wide variety of media and styles from representational to abstract, including painting, sculpture and works on paper, will exhibit at the Mystic Arts Center’s Liebig Gallery from September 25 through November 7, with an opening reception on Thursday, October 1 from 5:30 pm to 7 pm.
Gallery One artists include David Brown,Ashby Carlisle, Catherine Christiano, Bette Ellsworth, Mary Fussell, Gray Jacobik, Judith Barbour Osborne, Constance Patterson, T. Willie Raney, Diana Rogers, Rick Silberberg, Victoria Sivigny, and Jill Vaughn.
The Artists of Gallery One, whose vision is to provide southeastern Connecticut with a stimulating resource and to support one another artists, exhibit in various locations along the Connecticut shoreline from Stonington to New Haven. The work is by a diverse group of mid-career artists who utilize current modes of expression in a variety of contemporary media. The hanging intentionally emphasizes connections between representational and abstract work.
Mystic Arts Center’s galleries are open daily from 11am to 5pm.