A Golden Age
Locks Gallery
Jan. 9, 2025 - Feb. 21, 2015
Locks Gallery is pleased to present A Golden Age, a group exhibition on view January 9 through February 14, 2015. There will be a reception on Friday, February 6th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Artists in the exhibition include Lynda Benglis, Bryan Hunt, Jane Irish, Virgil Marti, Roberto Matta, Louise Nevelson, Pat Steir, Rob Wynne, Yeesookyung, and Robert Rahway Zakanitch.
Nearly half a century of gallery artists have examined, celebrated, and critiqued the value of this element in unique ways. The work begins in the 1960s with Chilean artist Roberto Matta’s king and queen bronze abstract figurines and a rare gold wood assemblage sculpture by Louise Nevelson. After working at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Bryan Hunt’s groundbreaking and gravity-defying 1970s Airships were hailed as “unthinkable” forms by critics. Through the 1980s and ’90s, Lynda Benglis used gold symbolically in her work as both a celebration and critique—her 1980 Kaudi takes its name from the cowrie shell, both worshiped and used as currency in different cultures. Robert Rahway Zakanitch, one of the founders of the Pattern and Decoration Movement, used gold in his paintings as he continued to re-imagine decorative motifs in the 1990s. Contemporary works by gallery artists include gold glazed ceramic vases by Jane Irish, looking glasses and furniture by Virgil Marti, new metallic poured paintings by Pat Steir, whimsical jewelry in animal and insect motifs by Rob Wynne, and the acclaimed gold-mended Translated Vase series by Korean artist Yeesookyung.
This installation presents a diverse array of gold in contemporary art, surveying the alchemical, material, and symbolic interpretations specific to these artists.