Night Life

Forum Gallery

Sep. 10, 2025 - Oct. 25, 2014

730 Fifth Avenue 2nd FL
New York, New York 10019

Forum Gallery’s season begins September 10, 2014, with Night Life, an exhibition of paintings by Linden Frederick that probes the deceptive quiet of night for hidden drama. The exhibition continues through October 25, 2014.

In this, his fourth one-person show at Forum since joining the gallery in 2004, Frederick takes his signature, implicit narrative to higher and more personal levels, focusing his attention and ours on houses, buildings, quarries and means of transport, each with a unique, nocturnal personality and story to tell.

In the fifteen paintings in the exhibition, all completed since 2011, Linden Frederick takes us on a virtual tour around his native Belfast, ME, hinting at how much life lies beneath the surface of his subjects without revealing what’s there. These are not landscapes or cityscapes, but another genre, one that Linden Frederick explores in a provocative, compelling way; they are storyscapes, paintings that speak to us in minimal, nearly musical tones, without completed thoughts. Neither realist nor abstract, they reach for the innermost depths of the viewers’ imagination and urge us to supply their codas.

From the luminous glow of South Bound, 2014, oil on canvas, 34 by 34 inches; to the eerie mystery of Haunted, 2014, oil on canvas, 34 by 34 inches, Linden Frederick challenges our collective imagination while at the same time stimulating our most pleasurable senses with his choices, and provides the consistency and variety that make Night Life an exhibition to be seen.

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