“PreterNatural Selections” Between the Everyday and the Sublime

Leclerc Contemporary

Jul. 1, 2025 - Sep. 7, 2014

19 Willard Road
Norwalk, Connecticut 6851
203 826-8575.


“PreterNatural Selections”, Between the Everyday and the Sublime

July 1st – September 7th Evening Opening Event July 11th 6-8PM

Featuring: David Boyajian, Mike Childs, Peter Konsterlie,

Dan Lenore, Phil Nelson, Laureen Vellante

Preternatural describes an anomaly in the known world. Existing alongside the natural world of animals, plants and minerals is a preternatural world which functions in a kind of parallel universe. From time to time these two worlds overlap. It is at this intersection where extraordinary creative human adaptation happens and the natural world reinvents itself in the form of evolution. All of the work selected for this exhibit functions between the everyday world and the sublime. They incorporate ideas re-envisioned, re-iterated, transposed from their origins and in some cases digitized and reconstituted or romanticized with theatrical drama and acumen. They are all reordered materially and in the end are reconstituted into a visual language that seems both familiar and esoteric at the same time. Common objects and views given special treatment take on preternatural characteristics.

Robert Hubany- Curator

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