

1178 Broadway New York, NY


Email: info@homiens.com

Gallery Website:https://homiens.com/

Homiens is an art gallery which offers a year round program including The Homiens Art Prize, and the exhibition of artists in the Homiens galleries. We are a proud friend of AWAD (Association of Women Art Dealers) and verified member of a-n (The Artist’s Information Company), ArtConnect, and the VAA (Visual Artists Association).

Homiens is committed to paying artists, and provides over $24,000 in unrestricted cash awards to artists each year. We feature helpful information for artists and collectors on our website, and are proud to deliver beautifully designed catalogs and editorial initiatives like The Homiens 60 and Meet the Artists to an audience based in the United States, and internationally, comprised of public institutions, buyers, curators, and practitioners.

Homiens maintains a commitment to representing artists who live everywhere in the world. We celebrate the opportunity to afford our artists a global audience, and to bring newly discovered, prodigious work to the attention of collectors.

Exhibition Listings

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Event Listings

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Calls for Entries

Event Name Entry Deadline
The Homiens Art Prize 01/31/2025