
Millspace Gallery

Entry Deadline: Apr. 9

55 Main St
Newmarket, NH 03857


“WATERSHED” will be a celebration of local life and history. All New Hampshire-based artists are invited to submit works featuring or inspired by the communities of the Lamprey River Watershed.
The Lamprey River Watershed stretches across Stafford and Rockingham counties, ultimately connecting over a dozen New Hampshire towns to each other and to the Great Bay via a network of rivers and tributaries. The history of this region is rich, filled with hundreds of years of culture, education, and industry, as well as thriving and varied species of wildlife.

More information about the Lamprey River Watershed from the NH Department of Environmental Services can be found here.

Submissions should be emailed to [email protected] by April 9, 2023. Artists may submit up to five pieces that depict, embody, or are inspired by the Lamprey Watershed. The email should include your name, as well as the title, medium, size and price of each submission. (Please account for a 40% commission on all sales to LACA, the volunteer-run non-profit hosting this event. For LACA artist members, this is reduced to 35%.) To confirm your submission, please send your $5 entry fee to LACA here.  (Fee waived for LACA artist members.)

Deadline to submit: April 9
Notification of acceptance: April 16
Exhibition dates: May 6 – June 11

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