Video Room: Aline Motta


Nov. 25, 2025 - Jan. 22, 2022

Avenida Paulista, 1578
São Paulo, 01310-200
PHONE (11) 3149-5959

The Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand (MASP) presents, from November 25, 2022, to January 22, 2023, in its 2nd underground floor, Sala de vídeo [Video Room]: Aline Motta, showing the video trilogy Pontes sobre abismos [Bridges over Abysses] (2017), Se o mar tivesse varandas [If the Sea Had Balconies] (2017), and (Outros) Fundamentos [(Other) Reasons] (2017–2019).

Curated by Leandro Muniz, Curatorial
Assistant at MASP, the projects are linked to a part of the artist’s family history, as a case study on Brazilian social formation and above all its erasures, violence, and resistance.

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