Dalton Paula: Brazilian Portraits


Jul. 29, 2024 - Oct. 30, 2022

MASP - AV Paulista, 1578
São Paulo, 01310-200
+55 11 3149 5959


MASP – Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand and the Ministry of Tourism present, from July 29th to October 30th, 2022, the solo exhibition Dalton Paula: retratos brasileiros [Brazilian Portraits], which occupies the mezzanine on the first underground floor of the museum. Curated by Adriano Pedrosa, artistic director at MASP, Glaucea Britto, assistant curator at MASP, and Lilia Schwarcz, guest curator of histories, the exhibition brings together 45 paintings that portray Black leaders and personalities historically invisibilized in Brazil. Twelve of these works were produced from 2019 to 2022 with financial support from the museum and then donated to MASP by the artist. The show counts on master sponsorship by Bradesco, sponsorship by Livelo, and support by Lefosse.

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