Live and In Color

West Windsor Arts

Mar. 12, 2022, 12:00 am

952 Alexander Rd.
PHONE 609 716-1931

West Windsor Arts’ annual gala includes a hybrid event that features a festival-like atmosphere with arts activities, food, and lots of color! With the spring festival of Holi right around the corner, we are inspired to join in the call to celebrate with the exuberance of the season!
Two features of the event include Featured Artist and GR8 Works.
Featured Artists include those involved with West Windsor Arts, display exemplary portfolios, and success as an artist. Their works will be offered for bid in the silent auction which ends at 9 p.m. March 12, 2022.
GR8 Works was an open invitation to our talented artist community to showcase their style or try something new. These works will be offered for sale at a “Buy it Now” price of $88 each.
Please come out to celebrate the spring season and our local artists!
For more information, please check out: or call us at (609) 716-1931.

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