Athens Victorian Stroll
Athens Cultural Center
Dec. 11, 2021, 01:00 pm
Annual Athens Victorian Stroll
Saturday, December 11, 2021, 1-5 PM
Athens Victorian Stroll Saturday, December 11, 2021: A Free Family Event Featuring Music, Dance, Art, Food, Craft Vendors, and much, much more. Please pick up a map and final schedule at Athens Cultural Center, 24 Second Street, starting at noon on the day of the Stroll.
Bells will be ringing, choirs will be singing and horses will be clip-clopping up Second Street. This and more will await visitors to the Annual Athens Victorian Stroll, Saturday, December 11, 2021. There will be free activities for the entire family. Start your day at 1pm in the Athens Cultural Center to pick up a map of the village-wide festivities.
Throughout the Village there will be live music performances, arts and craft vendors offering wonderful holiday gifts, ice sculpture carvings, homemade cookies, wine and spirits tasting, house decorating contest, a caricaturist to capture your inner cartoon, Victorian Santa, a petting zoo, a tour of the historic Van Loon home, ballroom dancers, Irish dancers, a strolling clown, strolling mime, strolling magician, and Vic-torian pocket lady with trinkets for all the children, Athens Museum displays and much, much more.
To make getting around the village easy, there will be a “free” horse drawn hay wagon and a motorized trolley running throughout the afternoon.
New events this year include an ice skating rink (bring your own skates), and there will be food and craft vendors located in the Athens Riverfront Park.
The Hudson River Bells will perform in front of the Athens Cultural Center (weather-permitting), and delight audiences with their beautiful melodies. You can have a caricaturist make a drawing, shop hand-made crafts, enjoy cookies, see the beautiful Victorian tree decorated by the Athens Community Garden Club members and enjoy fun for the entire family.
Meet and have a book signed by children’s author Hudson Talbott. Hudson has written and illustrated over 27 books. Hudson also collaborated with composer Stephen Sondheim on a book version of Sondheim’s musical Into The Woods. His most well-known book, We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s Story was adapted into an animated film of the same name by filmmaker Steven Spielberg. Hudson’s newest book,
A Walk In The Words, is his own story of how his challenge with reading as a child led to his storytelling through art. Hudson lives in the Hudson Valley of New York and continues to write and illustrate books for young readers.
Greene County Historian Jonathan Palmer will guide an interesting tour of the Athens Cemetery at 1:30PM, and you will have an opportunity to learn more of the history of some of Athens’ more colorful ancestors. The evening will conclude with a bonfire, caroling, a tree lighting, and fire dancers at the Athens Riverfront Park at 5PM.
For a complete schedule of activities please visit the Athens Cultural Center’s website at: or please email: [email protected]