Represented in Biboa Spain | Artist Victor Mirabelli
June 14, 2020 / Helen Kachur

Artist Victor Mirabelli is now represented in Bilboa Spain by online art and antique dealer, Deco for Curious. They currently have an inventory of his latest signature landscape paintings. Since his initial presentation to Deco’s website, followers quickly gained interest in Victor’s sceneries of open fields in abstracted spaces and reduced color pallet. He shares with the European site viewers his very personal and visual reverence for American farmlands by presenting simplicity of carefully arranged compositions and design.
Victor Mirabelli’s most recent collection of works shows not just a striking painting style, but an American tradition of distinctive rural landscapes. He typically focuses on rendered high key components emersed in deep-tonal settings to render landscape climate thick with atmosphere. After years of painting experience, Victor knows by instinct the visually connective paths that direct one’s eye from structure, to color, to sky and back again to the open space of farmland. He gives care to the massing and composition of a positive form in shadow that’s often placed directly within high-key sunlight. A thin edge separating those rich colors and shapes enforce the simplified, building forms, plant texture and negative space.
Victor’s intuitive arrangement of composition is developed through color and directional brush movement. When at first glance his paintings may seem a tranquil observation, they in fact take on an energy of sweeping brush gestures and layered pigment. His graphic interplay of color is resolved by the massing of objects over one large open foreground space. Today, Victor’s painting process is instructed at art programs and plein air classes in Italian. His innovative technique is now used to encouraged art students of Rome in similar practice. European artists inspired by victor’s work can now share in his passion for expressionist landscapes to capture Italy’s vibrant outdoor light.
Originally from the Pacific Coast, Victor Mirabelli’s inspiration began with early impressions of scenery in the vast open plains of North America. His art education first start at the Burnley School of Professional Art in Seattle Washington, until eventually moving to the New York area where he currently resides. Victor’s study of art history and paintings of the East Coast, Hudson River School of Art, influenced the expansiveness of his own landscape style, considered to be contemporary, modern works. However, unlike the New York artists, Victor uses a limited color palette and composition, to create scenery of a quiet land, dotted by the scattered homesteads of a rustic New England horizon.
In a recent interview with the Décor site’s curator, Victor talked about his experiences, “My commercial art education gave me the opportunity to pursue graphic design projects. I moved on to a career as a designer and art director for several design studios and advertising agencies.” He went on to describe his thought process, “I combine abstract and impressionism in my landscapes. I paint what I grew up feeling, using oil on canvas and paper, done quickly out of memory and then finished. Regardless of where or what I am painting today, I continue to revert to my early memories.”
As a fine artist, Victor Mirabella works in many mediums including oil, pastel, sign paint and watercolors on a multitude of surfaces: canvas, paper and wood. He also created a collection of 3D shadow boxes and small metal/assemblage sculptures. Experimenting with these mediums, his painting style developed and moved from abstract/figurative to landscapes. Victor’s diverse background in art materials originated from basic drawing technique and exposure to visual display. He then moved to graphic design that helped him to visualize the placement and design of objects in a landscape painting and now test the boundaries of positive and negative space.
Artist Victor Mirabelli continued on to describe his work, saying, “I combine abstract and impressionism in my landscapes. I paint what I grew up feeling, using oil on canvas and paper, done quickly out of memory and then finished. Regardless of where or what I am painting today, I continue to revert to my early memories.”
“… most elusive of artistic concepts; the air that separates, laden in moisture and vibrant in light.”
When the Deco for Curious asked what artists most influenced Victor’s painting style, he noted the top artists that effect his work, “…Picasso, Willem de Kooning, Francis Bacon, Richard Diebenkorn and Franz Kline for their use of color and shapes and texture as well as by the landscapes of Andrew Wyeth, Edward Hopper and Monet.”
It’s easy to see a small part of these artists’ works in his landscapes. His bold paint layers are reminiscent of de Kooning’s built-up pigment applied and mixed directly on canvas in a wet-on-wet technique. There is also a feel for Hopper’s silent spaces and Andrew Wyeth’s restrained use of color blended into his brush strokes. All of the artists’ work, all the carefully planned paint locations, all the design decisions are distilled on to the canvases of Victor Mirabella spacious open fields and farmland paintings.
“…rectangular structures of limited detail appear, both settled and timeless in their surroundings . Traditional building shapes are then revealed in a balanced composition of warm sunlit groupings.”
Victor Mirabelli has experienced national acclaim for his paintings of the rural Northeast open fields and farmland. He has exhibited extensively in both solo and group juried shows. Today, private collectors throughout the US hold his artwork in their collections. He has served as a guest lecturer and juror for many art organizations and competitions. Mirabelli is a member of the Salmagundi Club, New York, NY; the Edward Hopper House, Nyack, NY; and the Garrison Art Center, Garrison, NY. He has been an associate member of the Northeast Watercolor Society, a member of the Catskill Art Society and the Kent Art Association, and a sustaining associate member of the American Watercolor Society.
Please visit the art work of Victor Mirabelli at his Feature Artist listing with Art Guide,