Presented by City Lights

"Shared Memories/Memorias Compartidas" October 25-November 21 at City Lights, 37 Markle Court, Downtown Bridgeport, CT. 06604 (203)334-7748,, Artists' Takl during the Bridgeport Art Trail Friday, November 9, 6-9 p.m. Shared Memories/Memorias Compartidas”. a traveling exhibit, curated by Ben Ortiz will begin its journey at City Lights. Featured are the works of 14 Latino and African visual artists and writers. A focus of the exhibit is two limited-edition artist books, “Eleggua” and “La Sagrada Familia/ The Sacred Family” The books consist of linoleum cut prints by Imna Arroyo and Ramón Vargas Ártiz who worked together in a printmaking workshop in Havana Cuba and an artist studio in Willimantic CT. Cuban artist, RAMÓN VARGAS ÁRTIZ is sponsored for a residency in the United States during the Fall of 2012 by, Eastern Connecticut State University,BOZart, LLC, City Lights Gallery and the Hispanic Alliance of Southeastern Connecticut/MS17 Initiative. The exhibit at City Lights is sponored in part by the BIG Read, an N.E.A. program.

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