Sorelle Gallery Fine Art

Sorelle Gallery Fine Art

84 Main Street New Canaan, CT

Phone: 2039201900


Sorelle Gallery specializes in a wide variety of traditional and contemporary art from both emerging and established artists. Our staff has over 50 years combined experience serving both residential and corporate clients.
Our focus is on each individual client. Be it home or business, we will support you in selecting art that best serves your vision, space, and resources.

History has shown, when collectors bought art they loved, their investment is paid back many times over, if it happens to increase in value, that’s a further benefit. Investment shouldn’t be the primary purpose of collecting, even though an artist’s established market is important to consider.

Surrounding yourself with artwork is an enriching experience. Your collection should reflect segments of your personality. We want to help you acquire new works of art that will bring you a life time of pleasure.

To set up an art consultation, please email us at We look forward to hearing from you.

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