Not Another Gallery!

Not Another Gallery!
109 Broadway Brooklyn, NY
Not Another GALLERY!, a contemporary Pop-Art gallery/gift shop located in the heart of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, is pleased to announce:
Thursday, September 7: 6pm-9pm VIP Preview Day Friday, September 8: 1pm – 10pm
Saturday, September 9: 12pm – 7pm
Sunday, September 10: 12pm – 7pm
Fridge Art Fair is delighted to announce its first New York City Mini-Fridge, “The Rainbow Cookie Edition,” to take place in partnership with the infamous “Not Another GALLERY!” during New York Armory Week in the heart of Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Among the highlights of the New York City Mini Fridge Fair are: “The Great Rainbow Cookie Challenge,” a cookie eating contest and taste test with qualified judges and the world premiere of the conceptual installation “STARFKRS,” a fake coffee shop by Canadian artist David Craig Ellis that is based upon two American legends.
The original vision of Founder Eric Ginsburg was that of a fair that is both Art and Soul, replete with whimsical and kitschy fun. The Fridge may have met its most fitting challenge as the world continues to step out of the pandemic’s shadow. It is a time of renewed passion for the arts, and the colors of the rainbow best represent healing and ardor.
Since its inception in May 2013, Fridge Art Fair has presented concurrent with Frieze (yes, the name is a play on that week in New York City!) and Art Basel in Miami. We have lived up to our tagline, “Can you fit into the Fridge?” by accepting numerous and diverse exhibitors in spaces from tiny to huge that were either affordable or donated to us.
For more information and updates please visit