White Works, Ralph Levesque

Javapalooza Cafe

Apr. 1, 2025 - Apr. 30, 2012

330 Main Street
Middletown, Connecticut 6457


White Works at Javapalooza Ralph Levesque of Madison is exhibiting new work using white as a main color. “Throughout my career I find myself returning to a miniseries of predominately white paintings. These series may last for 1 to 4 works and last for several weeks then I move on …and return again to the white works for another series… again and again” Ralph Levesque, Artist. The show consists of a sampling of recent abstract work and mixed media. Show Dates: April 1st – April 30th, 2012 Javapalooza Café 330 Main Street Middletown CT 06457 860-346-5282 www.javapaloozacafe.com

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