Whispering Tranquility: Kim Yeong-Jea’s Seascape Series

JanKossen Contemporary

Apr. 26, 2024 - May. 26, 2018

529 W 20th St, 7th Floor
New York, 10011
PHONE 631.903.5564


JanKossen Contemporary is pleased to present Whispering Tranquility, a solo exhibition by South Korean photographer Kim Yeong-Jea. This exhibition will herald JanKossen Contemporary’s new exploration into photography as well as digital media. The show will be on view from April 26 – May 26, 2018.

Kim Yeong-Jea’s minimalist photographs capture the airy, serene moments of sea. Kim investigates themes of time, empiricism, and metaphysics at the interface of evolving humanity and eternal nature. The seashore in Kim’s photographs has been turned into an intimate shrine where the artist meditates tranquility by compressing numerous busy, ephemeral life moments into one large-format image.

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