“We are the subject” Model • Arbus • Solomon

Bruce Silverstein Gallery

Jul. 12, 2025 - Sep. 8, 2018

529 West 20th Street, 3rd Floor
New York, 10011
PHONE 212.627.3930


Bruce Silverstein Gallery is pleased to present “We are the subject”, an exhibition featuring the work of Lisette Model, Diane Arbus and Rosalind Fox Solomon. Harnessing the photographic medium, each of these legendary artists have sought tirelessly to investigate their place in the world, making countless inquiries into their own existences. Although they have each emerged from a distinct time and place, they are consistent in their dogged exploration of the human condition. Perhaps even more evident when presented alongside one another, their work shares a concern with extending the boundaries of the self, seeking their own humanity.

Bruce Silverstein

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