WAVELENGTH II: New Consumerism


Feb. 9, 2024 - Feb. 15, 2017

312 Bowery Street
New York, 10012


WAVELENGTH II: New Consumerism Fashion x Art group exhibition proudly presents the recent work of 18 contemporary artists and designers active in the US, Europe and Asia. By bringing together conceptual fashion pieces, visual arts, jewelry, sculpture and multimedia installations, the exhibition illustrates a global trend in consumerism and lifestyle – the integration of Art, Fashion and social life.

“WAVELENGTH II” depicts for the increasing prominence of aesthetics, sustainability and authenticity. It reveals a trend evolving towards the elimination of boundaries between art and design – “the work” is treated as a vehicle of concept regardless of functionality or categorization. Garments and jewelry pieces are indistinguishable from sculptures or installations, rising above the status conveyed by “label” or “possession”.

Meanwhile, the exhibition is infused with daily life aspects. Applicable technologies such as biochemistry, digital rendering and facial recognition have been incorporated into creation process. Artists reveal their fascination in everyday objects and pop culture, embracing, ridiculing or simply making observations of consumerist society.

Apart from artwork display, “WAVELENGTH II” consists of a pop-up store space within the gallery and a week of public events including panel discussions and workshops. It aims to create a sensational experience for future consumers where art appreciation is an integral part of life.

Cohosted by CUBE NYC and VO Art Union, the exhibition will tour to Beijing, being accommodated in Times Museum in summer, exploring New Consumerism in a different context.

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