Tunnel Vision | Chris Plunkett & Joseph Fontinha

Fountain Street Gallery

Oct. 28, 2025 - Nov. 22, 2020

460C Harrison Ave, Ste 2
Boston, 02118
PHONE 617.292.4900


BOSTON, MA – Beginning October 28th, Fountain Street Gallery will exhibit “Tunnel Vision,” featuring the work of Chris Plunkett and Joseph Fontinha. The exhibition showcases Plunkett’s oil paintings of Fenway Park vendors in action along with Fontinha’s experimental video installations capturing his own actions in the studio. Hustle is the name of the game for both. Art provides a narrative to their busy, everyday lives as fathers, educators, and creators.

The exhibited work, at the crossroads of traditional
painting and digital media, celebrates the artists’ 15+ year friendship. Their conceptual and stylistic approaches differ, but what Plunkett and Fontinha share is the belief that maintaining an active studio practice requires exquisite tunnel vision—to allow enough time and space for inspiration to take hold. The viewer is richly rewarded in this exhibition; inspiration abounds, having taken shape in both long established and experimental forms.

Safety procedures include a max capacity of 8 visitors in the gallery at one time, required face masks and more. Visit our website for all procedures and guidelines.

On the First Friday of every month, the artists, galleries, shops & restaurants of the SoWa Art & Design District open their doors to the public for an evening of art, culture and inspiration. Meet the artists in their element and view their latest works, shop the galleries & boutiques, then afterwards dine at one of our world class restaurants.

Come and enjoy the free fun. Plenty of parking is available.

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