Trompe L’oeil: New Works by Glass Wheel’s 2017 Studio Artists

Glass Wheel Studio

Aug. 5, 2024 - Sep. 1, 2017

128 W Olney Rd
norfolk, 23510
Phone (757 ) 819-4150

Works will be on view August 6th – September 1

From the echoing sound of children’s toys to hyperrealist paintings and drawings, the works in this show will play with your perceptions of space, scale, and materiality. Diminutive glass figures, a collection of mirror reflections, and large-scale digital animations all need your input to complete their narratives.

Glass Wheel’s Studio Artist Incubator Program is awarded to 13 visual artists annually. It provides opportunities for research, experimentation and ultimately aims to foster creative innovations and new modes of working collaboratively. Through collaboration and monthly group critiques, many have found new methods, resources, and support to explore ambitious projects often outside the scope of their previous art practices.

Studio 201: James Akers | Studio 202: Andy Harris | Studio 203: Derek Eley | Studio 204: Kimberly Marina Loveless-McKinnis | Studio 205: Hannah Kirkpatrick | Studio 301: Maggie Stergos Bush | Studio 302: Angie Staudt VanDyke | Studio 303: Meredith Raiford | Studio 304: Caitlin Blomstrom | Studio 305: Leigh HP (Heidi Peelen) | Studio 307: Sarah Vaughn | Studio 308: Gayle Forman

Also premiering August 5th are works by new featured glass artists:
Gina Zetts, Morgan Madison, Teddy Reyling Devereux, Jan Kransberger, Tali Grinshpan, David Harada, Kenneth Gonzalez, Ben Sharp, Ashley Berkman, Rick Eggert, and Demetra Theofanous

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