To Be Seen and Heard

Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art

Mar. 23, 2025 - Jun. 17, 2018

756 North Milwaukee Avenue
Chicago, 60642
PHONE 312.243.9088

On view at Intuit from March 23 – June 17, 2018, To Be Seen and Heard brings attention to 5 Wisconsin artists. This exhibition will feature nearly fifty paintings, photographs, sculptures, and reliefs. From the signs and religious imagery of Prophet J. Blackmon and Josephus Farmer, to the mixed media constructions of Simon Sparrow, to the carvings of Albert Zahn, and paintings and photographs by Eugene Von Bruenchenhein, the exhibition will highlight the important contribution these artists have made to the art world. Wisconsin has produced and fostered a great number of artists and creative thinkers. To Be Seen and Heard highlights a select few who deserve a wider audience.


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