Star Spangled Exhibition

C Parker Gallery

Jul. 9, 2024 - Jul. 9, 2015

17 East Putnam Avenue
Greenwich, Connecticut 6830

We invite you to revel in art that celebrates the spirit of American pride as the C. Parker Gallery observes Independence Day, 2015 with a group exhibition titled STAR*SPANGLED.

In 1917, the French artist, Marcel Duchamp was the first to select a familiar object and by simply signing it and placing it on display, the object became art. In 1953, the artist Jasper Johns boldly chose the image of the American flag as the sole content of his painting aptly titled Flag. In the 1950’s that act seemed to many observers an absurdity: art critics alleged an American flag might be many things, but it was certainly not art. What constitutes as art is a query that is rarely posed today thanks in part, to the earlier efforts of Duchamp and Jasper Johns. Johns’ original flag painting from the 1950’s, serves as a catalyst of inspiration for the eight artists participating in the exhibition STAR*SPANGLED which continues the exploration of the American flag as an iconographic symbol in contemporary art.

Highlights of the exhibition is the work of Jodie Mauer, a Greenwich resident and an exceptionally talented artist who works with heavy layers of impasto paint to build a richly textured surface for her flags. Recycled aluminum cans are the material of choice for artist Jonathan Woods. Woods forms complex shapes of aluminum to intricately reveal secondary but related story lines within the larger flag image. A collection of recycled book covers serve as the inspiration for the elaborate and sumptuously colored flag created by New York artist Neil Powell.

C. Parker Gallery

17 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830

Call us at: 203-253-0934 if you have any questions or concerns about this event

We hope to see you there!

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