Spirit: Focus on Indigenous Art, Artist Talk and Exhibition.

National Center for Civil and Human Rights

Oct. 12, 2024 - Nov. 12, 2020

Ivan Allan Blvd (Zoom Artist Talk)
Atlanta, 30309
PHONE 404.660.6229


LENSCRATCH, Atlanta Celebrates Photography, and the National Center For Civil And Human Rights in Atlanta, Georgia present a powerful line-up of lens-based Indigenous artists in the month of October – November with Spirit: Focus on Indigenous Art, Artists and Issues.

The nine artists selected for this project, range from emerging to well-established individuals, and each brings their own unique vision to indigenous issues and history.

Featured artists include:

Kiliii Yuyan kiliii.com
Shelley Niro shelleyniro.ca
Pat Kane patkanephoto.com
Kali Spitzer&Bubzee kalispitzer.photoshelter.com & bubzeeart.com
Will Wilson willwilson.photoshelter.com
Jeremy Dennis jeremynative.com
Meryl McMaster merylmcmaster.com
Donna Garcia donnagarcia.com

The roll out will include a week of artist features on LENSCRATCH, from October 11 – October 18, 2020. Each day will spotlight a different artist’s work and will include interviews or video content, all of which will be posted on the LENSCRATCH website and social media pages.

The National Center For Civil And Human Rights will host a virtual exhibition of the artists’ work from October 12 – November 12, 2020 @civilandhumanrights.org. The exhibition will open with a virtual artist talk at 12 pm EST, October 12, 2020 and a closing artist talk November 12, 2020 at TBD. Additional photographic works will be highlighted on the Center’s social media pages throughout the duration of the exhibition.Register here for free Zoom Artist Talk: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jfZJ3BzfTZWceZoFSn0C4Q

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