“Small Treasures” Holiday Gift Show and Food Appeal
Artists' Cooperative Gallery of Westerly
Nov. 5, 2025 - Nov. 30, 2014
A luminous photo of turquoise and sea blue beach glass that brings summer to a cold winter day. Jewelry glowing with color. A simple act of neighbor helping neighbor. Sometimes the best things do come in small packages. So come enjoy “Small Treasures,” the holiday gift show featuring small artwork – and big hearts.
Hunt for small treasures at the show’s Opening Reception -Friday, November 7 from 5 to 8 PM, and bring some. Your donations of non-perishable food will be delivered to the Jonnycake Center..Discover how beautiful small can be – whether it’s a curvy piece of pottery, a lovely, affordable print, or a simple act of generosity. And check out a Fundamentals of Painting Class or a Life Drawing Session on Friday evenings.