She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

Florida Museum of Photographic Arts

Jun. 10, 2025 - Sep. 15, 2017

400 N Ashley Dr Cube 200
Tampa, 33602
Phone (813) 221-2222

The exhibition, which runs through mid-September, will feature fine-art photographs from 12 prominent female photographers, including Dorothea Lange, Mary Ellen Mark, Judy Dater and Imogen Cunningham.

“It is important that we share photography’s different perspectives, especially when considering groups which have been systemically marginalized throughout history,” said FMoPA Executive Director Zora Carrier, Ph.D.

The featured photographers represent different eras, styles, and techniques, but they all share the same subject: men. By switching the traditional roles of the male artist and the female subject, the collection flips the male-dominated narrative of the art world and establishes an individual space for female artists.

“Many women photographers have inspired me through their dedication to the medium,” said Carol Henry, the exhibition’s curator and one of the contributing artists. “I was curious how we, as women photographers, had achieved success and how we integrated men into our work.”

Henry will speak about her work and the curatorial process at 6 p.m. on June 23 at the museum as part of FMoPA’s Fourth Friday lecture series.

FMoPA | Florida Museum of Photographic Arts | Tampa, Florida

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