Sarah Nicole Phillips: All the Benefits, All the Rewards

Court Tree Collective

Oct. 4, 2025 - Nov. 1, 2014

371 Court Street - 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, New York 11231

October 4 – November 1
Sarah Nicole Phillips: All the Benefits, All the Rewards
Brooklyn Arts Council and Court Tree Collective presents: All the Benefits, All the Rewards

Sarah Nicole Phillips

October 4th, 2014 // 7pm – 10pm

Court Tree Collective, Brooklyn, NY

All the Benefits, All the Rewards is an exhibition of collages crated with discarded, patterned security envelopes.

Security envelopes are used to camouflage sensitive and private documents. Their decorative patterns make it impossible to read what is inside. The secrets contained within these envelopes form the dull, bureaucratic infrastructure for contemporary life. The artist creates landscapes with this material diverted from the waste-stream.

Some scenes are benign, such as a square of monotonous grass, suggestive of a wider expanse of more of the same. Other images depict the natural environment rejecting current earthly circumstances in exchange for an alternative. Several of the collages show mass evacuations of plan-life: an entire forest orchestrates a location swap with an other forest from the beyond, a body of water breaks apart as it pulls itself into the sky as an aqueous rainbow, leaves and trees soar or are lifted away by otherworldly beams of light. These collages represent a fantasy in which the material of the reliable, boring disappointments of life, are transformed into a means of escape.


Sarah Nicole Phillips is a Toronto-born, Brooklyn-based interdisciplinary artist. In 2003 she received her B.A, in Visual Studies from the University of Toronto and her MFA from Brooklyn College in 2006 with a concentration in printmaking. From 2006-07 she participated in a year-long artist residency at the Lower Eastside Print Shop where she continues to teach. In 2012 she was awarded a fellowship from The Blue Mountain Center in upstate New York. Sarah exhibits widely in Canada and the US and has recently been included in shows at the Queens Museum of Art, the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) and The McKinley Arts & Culture Center in Reno, NV. She is a 2009 and 2014 recipient of Brooklyn Arts Council grants.

The exhibition will take place from October 4th to November 1st, 2014 with an opening reception on October 4th, 2014 from 7pm to 10pm. Court Tree Collective is open Saturday and Sunday 12pm – 5pm and by appointment. Located on the second floor at 371 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY the gallery is two blocks from the F and G Carroll Stop.

Contact: Stephen Lipuma

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 718.422.7806

This exhibition is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).

Court Tree is a stop on the Gowanus Open Studios Tour taking place Saturday and Sunday, October 18 & 19 from 12pm to 6pm. Sarah Nicole Phillips: All the Benefits, All the Rewards will be on exhibit.

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