Roseline Koener: Magical Colors Emerging from the Soul

Walter Wickiser Gallery

Oct. 28, 2025 - Nov. 22, 2017

210 Eleventh Avenue, Suite 303
New York, 10001
PHONE 212-941-1817

The Walter Wickiser Gallery is proud to present an exhibition of paintings by Roseline Koener, entitled Magical Colors Emerging from the Soul, fromOctober 28th to November 22nd, 2017.

“Nature, music, African, Japanese and Indian textiles are natural sources of inspiration for me.” said Koener.

“Painting is a spiritual and adventurous journey through which I experience the creative process with more joyful freedom, lightness and oneness as the Source gushes out in the moment. It is a way of being present in the now.”

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Inc.

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